Dry rub.

I never thought I would say this in my lifetime but: isn't this picture of ribs beautiful?! Thanks to my sweet parents and husband who got me a new camera as a birthday surprise. I have been having a ton of fun with it  :) not only can I take beautiful pictures of ribs, I can take them of my even more beautiful and silly family.

Back to rib talk. Before I discovered my love of cooking, post baby #1, the thought of a "dry rub" made me want to gag. I suppose I just didn't understand the concept or that using a dry rub on ribs gives them a crispy texture. And they are not in fact "dry". Confusing. I am not much of a griller, I could cook in ovens and on stoves all day long. However, I think I pulled this one off successfully. Insert pat on the back here.

Dry rub
{ makes 3ish+ cups for whatever strikes your fancy}

1/4 cup kosher salt
2 tablespoons black pepper
1 cup garlic pepper
3/4 cup dried oregano
1/2 cup celery seeds
1 cup paprika
1 cup Chile powder
1/4 cup water
2 lemons, juice of
1/3 cup white vinegar

*this is enough for 6 slabs of pork ribs


Combine all dry ingredients in a small bowl. Reserve 1/3 cup. Mix in wet ingredients and mix to form a paste. Spread on both sides of ribs and let sit overnight for best results. I cooked my ribs tightly wrapped in foil at 200 degrees for 6 hours, then put on a hot grill for 10 minutes each side. Sprinkle with some of the reserved dry rub and serve with or without your favorite sauce on the side.

Hello summer.



Ana Degenaar said...

I love dry rub it's summer people!!!!
PS: Don't Forget this giveaway ends tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

You and my husband need to have a rib cook-off! Yours look as yummy as his. Wouldn't that be a blast? Maybe next time we're in SD. ;) I'm going to have him try your rib rub next time...
Hope you are doing well! xo-k

torrie said...

I'm so trying this. Wait- let me rephrases. I'm so having Ryan try this. ;)

Did you notice "Ribs" on our summer to-do list?? (this is the recipe we will use, for sure)

torrie said...

p.s. Congrats on the new camera! And your daughter is seriously CUTE.

claire said...

This looks delicious, will be trying it this week, thanks for sharing!

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