Lately many of my girls toys have been driving my nuts. Yep I said it.....I really prefer the simple learning based toys. Like the paper dolls. But what's a mom to do when you have a 4 1/2 year old and 20 month old lusting for barbies and such when you are just at Target stocking up on Tp?? Not bring them I suppose. Easier said than done. I set out to find some new toys a few weeks ago and wanted to share my findings.
The first is great for e (41/2). It is a writing board with a magnetic tip to help guide them into writing their letters. She has become significantly more confident in her ability. This is a must buy! Love love it and they make one for numbers too.
The second is great for o (20m). It is a color doting board to learn colors, shapes, and patterns. It is an Italian toy company which helps me satisfy my love for Italy without going there...ok maybe not. But it is better than nothing :). I picked both of these up at a local toy store, but you can find them online here.
This will lead me into what is happening next week which I am calling "operation save my sanity" where I plan on cleaning, de-cluttering, garage sale prepping, and tossing any and everything in our home that doesn't cause any joyous feelings and makes a lot of noise :)... There will probably be lots of wine and sweating involved. Have any tips for me??
Have a lovely weekend my friends and look for some additions to the shop on Monday!
I'm kind of feeling like no toys at the moment (someday will my house ever look sane??) but I'm totally checking these out!
Nothing leaves me satisfied like a good purge every now and then! I am working on one myself right now, since I have an extra teenager moving in TODAY! Cleaning out the back room, moving that stuff to goodness knows where. But to put that stuff in the new spot, must clean it out as well. It is a domino effect of cleaning and organizing.
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