{My big girl. Halloween 2007} |
This is going to be a brief hello and ramble....
So confession. I have really been trying to figure out how some people do it all. I am MAJORLY struggling. Between keeping up with my sweet girlies, my hubs, my house, working, making some tough financial decisions to ensure a bright future for our family, and keeping the shop updated (which I have not, new things made that I just need to find time to put them up). I can't figure out how to get it all done smoothly. Last week I was just short of loosing my marbles and then got a little cold to boot. I haven't had time to do the things I love: cook, snuggle with girlies, read up on my favs in reader. Ugh. But things are looking up now, I have spent the entire morning snuggling with my girls (who are sick...boo), a caramel apple upside down cake just came out of my oven, homemade chicken stock is on the stove, and I have a napping baby.....ahhhhhh. I do feel better now.
I will be catching up with you soon and just received some great books in the mail to review here on domestic dish! Yay! I cant wait to dive in, cook, and let you know what I think. AND there will be a giveaway. Cool huh?
I know how you feel entirely. I've lived both the "high-powered career mom" life and the "stay at home domestic life" and I have come to the conclusion that I can't do it ALL... after what- 5 years of staying home???
I know that some make it appear that way, but we never know what truly goes on behind closed doors... plus I have come to find, many of "them" have nannies, housekeepers, etc. Nothing wrong with that, just puts it into perspective a little bit.
I have in no way mastered it (and as I've shared, struggle with the same as you... the most current being time with my kids- quality time), but I am getting better at "taking the time when I have the time" (make-ahead dinners, lots of cooking on the weekends, washing/prepping produce all at once, buying birthday gifts- even Christmas already- in advance on a day that I have a little more online time)... that way I'm not always trying to do everything when I don't have any time. An ongoing learning process...
Sorry you've felt overwhelmed! Like Torrie wrote, I really think it is impossible to do it all. Don't beat yourself up about not being able to be supermom...it will drive you insane and just make you feel horrible. I think it sounds like you've accomplished an amazing amount! Hope your girlies feel well soon and can't wait to hear about the books...
Danielle is wonderful all the way around - even on the days she doesn't feel like it.
My new thing is learning to say No. I am feeling maxed out as well so I take this as a reminder that when something new comes along, I can't take it on.
Or looking at it another way, I try to look at my calendar a week out. If I see a window, I will say - I only can do one more thing on Thurs. at 3pm. Otherwise, maybe next week.
It is hard, but I like all the choices I made and try to remind myself of that when new opportunities come along.
Love YOU!
thanks for the sweet comments friends :) one day at a time right?!
Ahhhhh! I'm right there with you...definitely no doing it all over here! I think it ll goes in waves though and nice to know that there are a lot of us out there trying to juggle as well :)
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