It has been a while since I have posted what's in my cookie jar. I like a full cookie jar, that's no secret around here. I think you should do the same, a good cookie jar deserves some love. And you know what? Cookie jars aren't just for cookies!
I like to profess my love for an easy and oh-hand cookie jar filler. You can read here as well here. This is the same concept. Start with a dry cookie mix, and jazz it up based on what you have on hand. This never fails me. I have even made a 3 tiered cookie "cake" in a pinch using a bag mix. You don't have to limit yourself to drop will be amazed! Here is a place to start:
Oatmeal-Coconut drop bars
makes a half sheet
1 bag oatmeal cookie mix, I used Betty Crocker
1/2 cup + sweetened shredded coconut
1/2 cup + mini chocolate chips
Preheat oven per bag instructions. Grease and parchment line a 1/2 baking sheet. Mix up batter per bag instructions. Add coconut and chocolate chips, reserving some to sprinkle on the top. Drop the batter to cover the baking sheet, press down with spatula or fingers to spread evenly. Sprinkle coconut and chocolate chips over batter and bake for about 20 minutes. The coconut will be browned, chips will be gooey, and you will have whipped this up in less than 30 minutes. Royce (the hubs) ate these like it was the last food on is a keeper. I urge you to stock up on dry cookie mixes, it saves me all the time. It can save you too.
Love doctored up mixes. And it wasn't Sandra Lee, but Giada that got me into taking mixes and switching things up a bit. :)
Honestly, I could kill you right now. I want these so badly. They sound amazing and easy and perfect. I really, really want them. Really.
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