I am really excited because I just got this book called The urban Homestead. I have been thinking a lot lately of how great it would be to get back to the basics of life, in a home loving yet still glamours way :) . For example we just finished the planter box (I will share pics when I get the planting done) and I am going to fill it with herbs and vegetables. But that is just a minor step in creating and "urban homestead", I'm talking making bread every Sunday for the week, and making homemade cheese and butter (yes homemade!). These things are so easy to do and can save us tons of money each year. Homemade butter is vastly superior to its store-bought equivalent, but who wants to pull out their butter churn(ha ha no I don't have one). This is a churn-free method producing the kitchen staple (and some bonus buttermilk, too) in under five minutes. As I read I will share some more ideas on urban homesteading. In the meantime here is the recipe for butter:
Ingredients (only two!)
- 16 ounces of heavy cream, chilled
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
Basically, you're just beating the cream in your mixer or by hand until it looks like scrambled eggs and separates into butter and buttermilk. After that happens, you'll remove the butter and squeeze out the excess buttermilk (and reserve for making something delicious). Now how easy is that? It's quick, simple, and it'll make your homemade baked goods that much better!
What store bought ingredients do YOU make at home? Lets share in the comment area :).....
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