Let me just say today was quite the adventure. We started off a normal Saturday morning breakfast as a family, giving the dog and kids a bath (not together, although that would save time), watering the plants, and waiting to see how hot of a day it was going to be. When we could wait no longer we (e, o, and I ) loaded into the car heading to Julian. We were off to pick apples and eat pie. One minor problem: I had no idea how to get there. After a few wrong turns and long "hands free" conversations with my dad on the phone and we were there. Whew. Oh and we almost hit a deer or Bambi as E was screaming. When we finally arrived at the orchard the place was packed. However, when we went down a row it was peaceful and seemed as though no one else was there. It was fantastic. We walked along picking .. sampling.. sampling.. sampling...until our bags and bellies were full (and it was hot). We stopped back into the town for some famous pie and headed back home. Now we just need to decide what to do with all of our yummy apples. I'm thinking pie, canning a homemade chutney, apple chips, and snacking. Any suggestions? What would you do if you had 10lbs of apples? Think on it and let me know. Here is our day in a nutshell...
orange french toast with homemade bread |
naked cutie o getting a bath |
mommy & e |
Great pictures! When I have that many apples I make my Dad's version of apple cobbler - its delicious with vanilla bean ice cream! I'll have to find that recipe and let you know for future ideas :)
Funny! We just went there today! It was a nice little adventure!
Meredith- How funny! The guy running the place was very intersting....I couldn't tell if he was in character or thats just who he is every day! Very brad pitt from fight club meets johnny depp..what are you going to do with your apples?
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Make my day. Lets dish...